On 2nd Monday of January, which is called
Coming of Age Day 成人の日(seijin no hi), all girls, who turned 20, wake up early in the morning and get ready to celebrate their coming of age. Since the ceremony starts around 9am, girls have to wake up 4am or 5am in the morning and go to the beauty salon to set their hair, make up and get changed to
振袖 (furisode). Luckily, I did not wear furisode on that day so I did not have to wake up early. It takes more time for girls to get changed than boys because most boys wear a suit. On other day, usually before or after the coming age of day, they get changed to furisode again and take photos at photo studio. Sometimes photo rent furisode, set hair and make up for girls. Furisode is one of kimono that usually people who are unmarried wear on the coming age of day or wedding party. Interesting thing is that it has long sleeves and longest sleeves are about 114cm long. There are three types of furisode which are 大振袖(o-furisode), 中振袖(tyu-furisode) and 小振袖(sho-furisode) as the length of sleeves change. Usually flowers, butterfly, birds, and stream are drawn as patterns. The reason why only girls who are unmarried are allowed to wear furisode is because during Edo period (about 400 years ago), unmarried girls emulated girl dancers who were showing their cuteness by swinging (which means furi) sleeves (which means sode). It is also said that by swinging sleeves, they tried to exorcizedrive out an evil sprit.
Taking photos after coming of age day |
Among many celebration, there is a celebration for only girls that is called
雛祭り(hinamatsuri) or 桃の節句(momo no sekku) on 3rd March. When a baby is born and if the baby was a girl, grandparents from mother side present dolls which are called
雛人形 (hinaningyou) to the baby, hoping her good health. This is coming from a custom, throwing a paper which looks like people into river hoping for health. The custom became popular among emperors during Muromachi period and graduatelly it changed to praying to dolls. On the top, there is an emperor and empress. On the second from the top, there are three servants for emperors and on the third from the top, there are five musicians who play music for festival. On the forth from the top, there are two ministers. On the third from bottom, there are three servants.
At one of famous doll shop for girls festival "Masumura"
200,000~600,000 for each set